
I'm Saurav.

a programmer.

birdcloud mountain

Hey Guys! 🖐

My name is Saurav Dhami. This is my personal CV website and I hope you will enjoy your good time here. Thank you !!

My skills


Programming languages

As technology advanced rapidly in our lives, my eyes were also get attracted by it and look , I am a BSc. CSIT Student now. And as a student I have learned some Programming languages like Python, C , C++ , Javascript , CSS and many more to learn. And I am eager to learn more technological stuffs in coming future.



I love to play and watch Football. I play for the smallest district of Nepal, Bhaktapur. I am also the captian of my college's football team. And my favourite football player is Cristiano Ronaldo. His hardwork and winning mentality inspires me a lot.

Get In Touch

If you want any kind of help or if you'd like to hire me or train me then you can send me mail or DM me in my social media accounts.

Mail me

2020 ©️ Saurav Dhami.